A difficult conversation

Me and the darlings went for lunch at my friends house today. On the way there we drove past a cemetery and Oliver asked ‘What’s that mummy?’ I think it must be the first time he’s noticed a cemetery, although we drive past a different one all the time, but it’s behind a very high wall so he’s never really seen that one either.

Anyway, I was a bit stumped as to what to say! I don’t really like talking about death with him as he’s only 3 years old and being the type of mum I am, I want to protect him from all the sad things that happen in life. I wasn’t sure he would understand it either and if he did, it might scare him as he can be a bit sensitive. On the other hand I’m a firm believer in answering his questions (within reason!), not ignoring or fobbing him off and I try to explain things in a way he can understand. So I said to him:

‘It’s a cemetery’
‘What’s a cemetery mummy?’
‘It’s a sad place’
‘Why is it sad?’
‘People go there when they die and when people die their family is sad that they won’t see them’
‘Oh right’
End of conversation!

Maybe I said the wrong thing? Maybe I said enough for now? I feel ok about what I said and Oliver was cool with it all. I’m sure there’ll be many more conversations like this in the future!