Chocolate Fridge Cake

Are we the only family that still has loads of Easter eggs left two weeks after Easter? Maybe, but if you have young children like mine {2 & 4 years old} and want to ration the amount of chocolate they eat, it would take forever to get through them all. And if you’re the healthy type you might not want to ‘help’ the children eat all the chocolate!
Well I was getting sick of looking at the darlings Easter eggs sitting on the dining table and they were just getting in the way so I decided to make something chocolatey and delicious with them. 

Chocolate fridge cake was the perfect solution. It’s a bit like pick and mix. You can pick and choose whatever you want to put in depending what you’ve got in your cupboards. The mandatory ingredients are chocolate {obviously!} butter and golden syrup, I would always use digestive biscuits too but the rest is up to you. 
I just happened to have some marshmallows, Maltesters and glacé cherries so I threw them in too. Other things that work well are pecan nuts, raisins, dried apricots, macadamia nuts, Smarties or chocolate chip cookies!

Chocolate Fridge Cake

Makes 12
Preparation time 20 minutes
Setting time 2 hours

125g unsalted butter
300g plain or milk chocolate or a combination of both, broken into pieces
3 tbsp golden syrup
200g digestive biscuits
100g mini marshmallows
75g glacé cherries
50g Maltesers
Line a 24cm/9in square baking tin or a loaf tin with cling film and leave plenty hanging over the edge of the tin. 
Gently heat the butter, chocolate and golden syrup in a saucepan over a very low heat. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool a bit. 
Break up the biscuits with your fingers into a bowl, you want to keep the pieces about 1-2cm. Cut the glace cherries in half and add to the bowl. Put the marshmallows and Maltesers in the bowl too. 
Pour the chocolate mixture into the bowl and fold everything together so that everything is coated in the chcolate. 
Tip the mixture into your baking tin or loaf tin and smooth the top with a spatula. Pop in the fridge for about two hours or overnight. 
To serve, cut into 12 pieces and dust with icing sugar.

8 thoughts on “Chocolate Fridge Cake

  1. Thank you so much for this recipe. It was a life saver when I was looking for a quick & easy recipe for a last minute make for my daughter's school fair! 🙂

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