My mum is ace!

Today is International Woman’s Day and to celebrate this I thought I’d tell you how brilliant my mum is!

I had a bit of a crap day yesterday. Hubby has been abroad visiting his family this week so in typical girly fashion I managed to break the car yesterday. The handbrake to be specific!

“OK don’t panic, stay calm. You’re a 36 year old mother of two you can sort this out!”

I rang the garage and booked the car in to be fixed today. So this morning me and the darlings, dropped the car off at the garage then walked down to Oliver’s playgroup (I was helping out this morning). Mid morning the garage called me to say the car wouldn’t be ready until this afternoon. So I called my mum…

And this is what my amazing mum has done for us today:

  • Picked me and the darlings up from playgroup and took us home (saving us the hassle of a bus ride with two toddlers, a pushchair, and massive changing bag!)
  • Gave me a lift back to the garage to pick the car up
  • Kept the darlings entertained while I was cooking dinner
  • Gave my bathroom a quick clean
  • Bathed the darlings
  • Read Oliver’s bedtime story to him
  • Washed up (a job I hate!)
  • Stayed with the darlings while I nipped down to Sainsburys for birthday cards and pressies for hubby (its his birthday tomorrow)

I REALLY appreciated everything she did for us today… especially the washing up!

Don’t just celebrate your mum on Mother’s Day. 
Celebrate her every day.

*I have to say here that my dad has also done most of the above for me today (apart from the driving and washing up!) so he is equally as brilliant!*

Have you got a fantastic mum? What amazing things has she done for you today?

4 thoughts on “My mum is ace!

  1. I'm also here from the Blog Hop weekend. I can't imagine being one of those people who would rather not see or talk to their moms. I live about 8 hours from mine which is closer, physically, than we have been in years! I talk to mine most everyday and know she's always there for me. Here's to great moms!!! I aspire to be considered one when my children are all grown up.
    Great post.

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